MASS supports UK training exercise
Cohort company MASS has supported the planning and implementation of a major UK Joint Forces Command (JFC) exercise at a military base in Cornwall, the company announced on 15 August.
The training event was designed to support and exercise the standing Joint Force HQ’s ‘train as we fight’ development with the single-service components, as well as a number of other JFC training objectives.
Over 1100 people took part in the two-week event, including military personnel and a range of other governmental and non-governmental organisations.
The training scenario centered on the development of a pan-governmental response to a potential developing crisis set in a fictitious region.
In addition to writing the scenario, including creating fictional countries and all the supporting geographic, environmental and demographic detail; MASS managed a range of SMEs and provided senior ex-military and diplomatic staff to offer focused advice at the operational level to ensure maximum training value for the participants.
The exercise used a programme called TOOLSET, which gives controllers the ability to develop, monitor and control events and incidents that shape the exercise, to ensure the exercise stays on track to completes the training objectives.
A range of challenges were put in place that a 'real' military operation might encounter, allowing the training audience to interact, as realistically as possible. The event also allowed participants to explore interactions with the media and to look at the expanding range of challenges that a modern force might encounter in an increasing complex and diverse information-driven environment.
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