MASS supports Omani strategy course final exercise
MASS has successfully supported the final decision-making exercise for the National Defence College (NDC) in Oman, the culmination of the school’s flagship annual eleven-month strategy course.
Attended by senior members of Oman’s armed forces and government departments, this is the sixth year MASS has supported the NDC in this, an exercise set in the real world in an environment that highlights a wide range of complex regional and global challenges.
The course teaches pupils how defence strategy is formulated at the national and international levels, and allows participants the opportunity to use their strategic decision-making skills to solve defence and security-related problems, and the final exercise provides a forum for them to test out these new skills.
MASS’ support to the exercise includes the provision of scenario development, preparation of the exercise documentation, and enabling the dynamic management of the scenario during the exercise, as well as provision of part of the simulated media that is used to inject and update scenario catalysts.
Exercise delivery is supported by four MASS representatives, who are based in Oman for up to thirteen days, and culminates in the participants role-playing an international conference hosted by the government of Oman at the request of the UN Secretary-General to address an urgent strategic crisis.
‘MASS is very proud to once again support the end-of-year strategic decision-making exercise at the Oman National Defence College,’ Chris Stanley, managing director of MASS, said.
‘Our long-standing relationship demonstrates the value we continue to bring in support of strategic development for military and government personnel in Oman.’
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