MASS demos NEWTS training solution
Cohort company MASS has demonstrated its new software-based Networked Electronic Warfare Training Simulator (NEWTS) to the Royal Corps of Signals Commanding Officers’ Enterprise Forum during a visit to the 11th (Royal School of Signals) Signal Regiment.
The classroom-based simulator will enable the regiment to deliver training to support the UK Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) EW capability under realistic physical, functional and environmental conditions with true-to-life scenarios.
This capability will ensure students are able to plan the deployment of EW sensors with a more sophisticated set of tools as well as analyse signals generated by the target emitters and identify threats and targets for attack or exploitation.
NEWTS comprises three main elements: an EW mission support tool designed specifically to aid in the planning of EW, COMINT and ELINT asset deployments; a communications exploitation training tool component that provides a software-based RF environment; and a signals of interest repository database designed to enable users to carry out detailed analysis of signals traffic.
MASS has been working in close partnership with 11th Signal Regiment since contract award providing several product enhancements and will continue to do so in line with the five-year support contract.
During the demonstration event, the company also showcased the new MASS sponsored EW training classroom suites in Scotton Hall, Blandford.
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