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Kratos missile targets used in Formidable Shield

31st May 2019 - 11:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Kratos Defense and Security Solutions’ Space and Missile Defense Systems supported Exercise Formidable Shield 2019 at the UK Ministry of Defence’s Hebrides Range in Scotland.

During the exercise, the company provided support to the US Navy’s 6th Fleet and NATO’s Naval Striking and Support Forces (STRIKFORNATO).

The multi-national exercise featured ships, aircraft and personnel from 12 countries. Formidable Shield is a biennial event that provides NATO forces the opportunity to improve interoperability in the integrated air and missile defence environment. The 2019 exercise included ships from Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the UK and the US, participating in a range of live-fire and simulated missile engagements against aerial and ballistic missile targets.

Kratos, along with the Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme Division’s White Sands Missile Range Detachment, provided two advanced short range ballistic missile targets for the exercise. The targets, the first to incorporate Kratos’ Oriole Thrust Vector Control (Oriole TVC) guided rocket system, met all test objectives during the exercise.

Developed by Kratos, the Oriole TVC will enhance the capabilities of Kratos’ subscale target vehicles by offering boost guidance and dispersion reduction. Data gathered during the exercise will be used to refine the design and capabilities of subscale BMD targets for future exercises.

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