KC-46 simulators gear up at Pease
Installation of the US Air Force’s new KC-46 simulators is nearing completion at Pease Air National Guard Base, the air force announced on 11 October.
The weapons system trainer (WST) and boom operator trainer (BOT) have been installed and are scheduled for government testing from late November to mid-December 2018, and will be ready to train aircrew from mid-January 2019. The fuselage trainer (FuT) is nearing completion and is scheduled to train crew starting from early December 2018.
The WST is a high fidelity simulator that can replicate flight conditions and various malfunctions, giving trainees the opportunity to train for emergency and adverse weather training to a level that would not be possible in the actual aircraft. It also allows for normal flight training without the associated wear and tear that occurs when employing actual aircraft.
The BOT will allow boom operators, who are tasked with operating the refuelling system on board the aircraft, the ability to complete air refuelling training.
The new FuT is a full size KC-46 fuselage with fully functional controls, loading equipment and operable doors and escape slides. It will be primarily used for training boom operators in the safe handling of cargo loading, as well as equipment handling for aircraft maintenance crew. In the advent of the wing receiving an air evacuation squadron, the FuT will be used to train medical personnel on the safe handling of patients within the aircraft.The first KC-46A tanker aircraft is scheduled to arrive at Pease in August 2019.
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