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IT²EC 2022: DUSTS trains for psychological warfare

26th April 2022 - 15:38 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Soldiers assigned to the US Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School participating in the Psychological Operations Qualification Course conduct a roleplaying exercise in June 2021. (Photo: US Army/K Kassens)

Non-kinetic training software can be integrated with conventional military training exercises.

First-time exhibitor Conducttr presented its DUSTS hybrid warfare model at IT²EC in London on 26-28 April.

DUSTS stands for Divide, Undermine, Subvert, Threaten or Terrorise, Saturate. It allows training audiences to ‘attack and defend against non-conventional (i.e. non-kinetic) warfare’, Conducttr states on its website.

The software allows users to practice influence operations, cyber, psyops, media operations, OSINT gathering and simulation of any non-kinetic warfare.

DUSTS can be used as a standalone function or alongside kinetic exercises to provide an information environment dimension to military exercises.

Exercise control delivers ‘insights and full visibility of information activities from training audience and other cells via a customisable dashboard tailored for the exercise’, Conducttr added.

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