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ITEC 2019: Boeing wins RSAF F-15SA visual sim work

1st May 2019 - 13:00 GMT | by Trevor Nash in London


Boeing has been awarded a $8.57 million FMS contract by the USAF Life Cycle Management Center at Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio to develop a new visual database for the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF).

The database, representing King Khalid Air Base and the surrounding area, will be used by the RSAF’s F-15SA aircrew training devices (ATD). The contract also includes two years of contractor logistics support (CLS) for existing ATD, extending the current contract out until 30 April 2019.

According to USAF, this brings the total cumulative face value of the contract with Boeing to $71.075 million. In addition to

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Trevor Nash


Trevor Nash

After a career in the British Army, Trevor Nash worked in the simulation and training …

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