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IT2EC 2023: Cubic secures contract extension for British Army AWES training

20th April 2023 - 17:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team in London


Cubic will continue to provide combined arms manoeuvre training from sub-unit to battalion level. (Photo: CMPS)

Cubic Defence UK has been awarded a contract extension to continue supporting and repairing the Area Weapons Effects Simulator (AWES) system for the British Army.

Cubic Defence UK, a subsidiary of Cubic Mission and Performance Solutions (CMPS), has been awarded a contract extension to support the British Army's training operations.

The contract involves providing support and maintenance for the Area Weapons Effects Simulator (AWES) system at Salisbury Plain Training Area (SPTA) in the UK and for selected overseas deployment as required.

AWES, along with its Tactical Engagement Simulation (TES) system, is a critical tool for simulating large-scale force-on-force combat exercises, including the effects of direct fire, artillery, mortar fire, mines, air-delivered munitions and nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

‘The contract ensures that we can build on the foundation of the work we've already accomplished together,’ said Mark Graper, VP of CMPS global solutions.

With this contract extension, Cubic will continue to provide combined arms manoeuvre training from the sub-unit to battalion level, allowing the British Army to deliver its training wherever it is required.

Cubic has been involved with AWES since 1998, having developed and installed the system, with installation work completed at the 150-square-mile SPTA in late 2002.

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