International forces collaborate in Exercise Ulchi to enhance Northeast Asia's security
The annual exercise, Ulchi Freedom Shield (UFS), is designed to strengthen the combined defence posture and alliance response capabilities based on scenarios that reflect diverse threats within the security environment.
The rigorous training will ensure the alliance is ready to defend the Republic of Korea (ROK) and promote security and stability in Northeast Asia.
The live, virtual, and constructive (LVC) exercise will include ROK government personnel, as well as US and ROK military forces from all services.
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All United Nations (UN) Command Member States are scheduled to participate in different capacities, with ten members providing additional exercise augmentees: Australia, Canada, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, the Philippines, Thailand, and the US
Additionally, the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (Sweden and Switzerland) will observe and monitor the exercise, fulfilling duties prescribed by the Armistice Agreement.
In addition to UFS 23 training, ROK and US units will conduct a number of complementary large-scale, combined training events to strengthen interoperability.
The training is said to increase combat readiness, as well as strengthen the security and stability on the Korean peninsula and across Northeast Asia.
Training exercises like UFS 23 are carried out in the spirit of the 1 October 1953 ROK-US Mutual Defense Treaty and in support of the armistice.
Prior to UFS 23, a Crisis Management Exercise took place from 15 to 18 August to train the respective headquarters elements of ROK Joint Chiefs of Staff, Combined Forces Command, US Forces Korea, and United Nations Command.
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