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Indonesia replenishes trainer aircraft fleet

19th November 2018 - 08:27 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Hong Kong


Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) announced on 8 November that it had signed an approximately $90 million contract with Indonesia covering the provision of three KT-1B basic trainer aircraft and the upgrade of T-50i advanced jet trainers.

The deal was signed during Indo Defence 2018 by Kim Jo-won, KAI’s CEO, and Agus Setiadji, head of the Indonesian Defence Facilities Agency.

The KT-1B is already operated by the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU), with 17 having been purchased in previous orders since 2003.

However, the fleet had been diminished by the loss of three aircraft, one in a training accident in June 2010

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Gordon Arthur


Gordon Arthur

Gordon Arthur was the Asia Pacific editor for Shephard Media. Born in Scotland and educated …

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