US Army spotlights constructive synthetic environment re-bids at I/ITSEC 2022
As well as conventional computer-generated forces, OneSAF can also model CBRN operations. (Photo: US DoD)
During the recent PEO STRI presentation at I/ITSEC, Project Manager Synthetic Environments (PM SE), Col Nick Kioutas briefed attendees on two programme re-bids that see draft RfPs issued in Q1 FY2023 and Q1 FY2024 respectively.
The first is for the US Army’s Battle Command Training Capability-Equipment Support (BCTE-ES). This supports Mission Training Complexes (MTCs) across all three army components, active, National Guard, and Army Reserve, by providing technical support for Reconfigurable Tactical Operation Centres (RTOC), logistic support and classrooms.
The current incumbent is Phoenix Defense and the re-bid will be a single ID/IQ award that will be pitched as a small business set-aside. According to Kioutas, the contract has a seven-year period of performance defined by one three-year base period and two two-year options.
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‘The contract is valued at approximately $250 million,’ said Kioutas. Following a draft RfP, the final version will be issued in Q2 FY2023 with contract award expected in Q1 FY2024.
The second programme concerns the army's One Semi-Automated Forces (OneSAF). This is a computer-generated environment used by many services through the US. According to PEO STRI, OneSAF ‘reduces duplication of army modelling and simulation (M&S) and other government agencies’ investments, fosters interoperability and reuse across M&S communities, and meets the M&S requirements of the future force.’
Like BCTC-ES, the incumbent on OneSAF is Phoenix Defense but in this case, through its subsidiary, Riptide Software.
The RfP on this $100 million contract is expected in Q2 FY2024 and contract award set for Q1 FY2025. The period of performance on this small business set-aside is six years, with one base year and five one-year options.
‘We’re currently talking to industry about both programmes to help them prepare their proposals,’ said Kioutas.
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