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I/ITSEC 2021: USMC generals line up to outline training challenges

2nd December 2021 - 15:00 GMT | by David Isby in Orlando


USMC top brass at a panel session during I/ITSEC 2021. Left to right: MajGen Julian Alford, MajGen Austin “Sparky” Renforth, BGen Arthur “Ajay” Pasagian and BGen Matthew “Rush” Mowery. (Photo: David Isby)

A panel session at I/ITSEC heard how USMC training strategies must address issues such as deployability and interoperability.

On 1 December during the I/ITSEC conference in Orlando, a panel of four USMC generals described how training technologies can be used to meet emerging challenges.

However, certain gaps need to be plugged for the latest training methods and systems to be fully effective.

MajGen Julian Alford, head of USMC Training Command, described a shift in focus from large-scale classes to small groups.

‘The centre of gravity of Training Command is the instructor,’ he said, with modelling, simulation and training technologies a key enabler.

MajGen Austin “Sparky” Renforth, commanding general of the USMC Air-Ground Combat Center, noted certain limitations to

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David Isby


David Isby

David Isby is a Washington-based attorney and consultant on national security issues. He has experience …

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