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I/ITSEC 2021: Green Ammo is back with a bang

3rd December 2021 - 10:15 GMT | by Trevor Nash in Orlando


A Norwegian soldier demonstrates Green Ammo's drop-in kit on a Minimi. (Photo: Trevor Nash)

Green Ammo is offering its customers reduced training costs with greener credentials.

Green Ammo — formally known as Eblanks — went through a change of ownership in May 2019 with the intellectual property rights being bought by the new owners.

The company had made its name by replacing conventional and expensive blank ammunition with electronically generated sound effects.

The latest iteration features what the company calls a ‘drop-in’ to replace the weapon’s bolt, fitting an electronic magazine and a muzzle flash unit. Green Ammo can also offer an electro-mechanical butt to simulate recoil and a laser emitter to provide basic marksmanship training.

‘Through a Bluetooth link, the instructor can also create stoppages or

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Trevor Nash


Trevor Nash

After a career in the British Army, Trevor Nash worked in the simulation and training …

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