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German Navy takes delivery of ship handling trainer

4th July 2024 - 10:03 GMT | by Shephard News Team in London


Rheinmetall will deliver two more systems in the next eight months. (Image: Rheinmetall)

The system is designed to teach content in navigation, nautical law, military procedures, ship-handling and basic seamanship such as manoeuvring in port, towing or being towed.

Rheinmetall has delivered the first of seven Ausbildungs-Ausstattung navigation and ship handling training (AATN) simulators to the German Navy.

The system, a classroom trainer with 20 student workstations and one instructor workstation dedicated to the training of naval soldiers, virtually simulates all German Navy ships and relevant sea areas. It was delivered to Naval Operations School (NAVOS) in Bremerhaven.

In addition to the NAVOS Bremerhaven as the first user, the Naval Academy Mürwik (NAVAC) and the naval bases in Wilhelmshaven, Kiel, Eckernförde and Warnemünde will receive their own AATN in different configurations in order to enable a decentralised training.

The rollout of the simulators will continue with Eckernförde in the next two months and Warnemünde before February 2025.

The systems have a focus on technical navigation using electronic chart systems, including the military warship ECDIS “ECPINS” by the Canadian company OSI Maritime Systems and various radar surfaces.

The simulators offer training in terrestrial and astronomical navigation, nautical law, military procedures, ship-handling and basic seamanship such as manoeuvring in port, towing or being towed.

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