General Atomics adds new capabilities to Predator trainer
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc (GA-ASI) has installed enhanced operating software into its Predator Mission Trainer (PMT) simulator that resides at GA-ASI’s Flight Test & Training Center (FTTC) in Grand Forks, North Dakota.
The new PMT Plus software was developed jointly by GA-ASI and CAE USA, allowing international flight crews to train on the latest version of Operational Flight Program (OFP) software, as well as the latest capabilities, including Automatic Takeoff and Landing Capability (ATLC).
“With this upgrade, our international customers can now train on the latest version of OFP for their fleets of MQ-9A Remotely Piloted Aircraft,” said David Alexander, GA-ASI president.
“For our MQ-9A customers, the PMT Plus will be an exciting enhancement for them, enabling cutting-edge mission training. In addition, the new software will enable us to efficiently upgrade to future OFPs to meet our customers’ operational needs.”
In addition to its OFP and ATLC capabilities, PMT Plus improved the visual graphics for conducting operationally realistic Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) mission training, including the addition of maritime entities.
The improved user interface at the Instructor Off-board Station (IOS) will allow instructors to add elements into scenarios more rapidly, either during a lesson or immediately before a lesson, which saves time and enables a more student-centric learning experience.
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