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Farnborough 2018: German personnel training for Heron TP to begin soon

18th July 2018 - 10:53 GMT | by Richard Thomas in Farnborough


Fresh from the confirmation that the German armed forces will indeed operate the Heron TP UAV – despite protests by US-based General Atomics (GA-ASI) over the programme result – Israel’s IAI will begin training German personnel in the next two months.

The training initially will be a transition from the still-employed Heron 1 to the TP variant for German military personnel. The German armed forces currently operate – on a lease basis – the Heron 1 in Mali and Afghanistan.

This arrangement sees IAI and French giant Airbus responsible for runway preparation in the country of operation, maintenance of the

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Richard Thomas


Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor, Naval at Shephard Media. Richard joined the company in …

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