Exercise Matilda concludes in Australia
The Australian Army has completed two-week training exercise, Exercise Matilda, with the Singapore Army at Gallipoli Barracks.
Soldiers from 8th/9th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (8/9RAR) trained with about 40 Singapore soldiers at the tactical and headquarters (HQ) level in urban operations and reconnaissance missions.
The armies practiced a range of drills together, including combined urban and field-craft missions; and recon, intelligence, surveillance and target acquisition patrols; with a combined Singaporean and Australian HQ overseeing the exercise.
The Singaporeans also deployed their UGVs as a reconnaissance tool during urban training. Troops then integrated Australian and Singaporean surveillance and reconnaissance equipment and tactics in full urban assault missions.
The exercise supported the strengthening of relationships and enhanced the ability of the two forces to work together.
Brigadier Andrew Hocking, Commander 7th Brigade, said: ‘Exercise Matilda is an important activity as we continue to build the mutual respect, friendship and cooperation with our Singaporean counterparts.
‘Troops gained valuable knowledge from one another, which helped build our foundation warfighting skills and strengthen the bond between our two nations.’
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