Inzpire supports Exercise Iron Dragon
Inzpire has designed and delivered an experimental synthetic training exercise to 3rd Division (UK) headquarters at the Royal Air Force Air Battlespace Training Centre (ABTC) at RAF Waddington.
Exercise Iron Dragon, conducted using the Distributed Synthetic Air Land Training (DSALT) capability, was designed to train all elements of the headquarters' Joint Air Ground Integration Cell (JAGIC). Inzpire created a scenario that provided a four day flow to enable the JAGIC to practice tactics, techniques and operating procedures in a coalition corps context during a high-intensity complex joint air-land battle, while also experimenting with new concepts.
Inzpire provided the core design and exercise management team, working alongside military personnel from the ABTC, 3rd Division J7 staff and technical experts from the QinetiQ and Boeing DSALT team. Inzpire also facilitated after action reviews to evaluate the exercise and training value.
Paul Bolton, head of synthetic training, Inzpire, said: ‘Exercise Iron Dragon was a highly successful example of the innovative whole force approach, delivering valuable warfighter preparation for the British Army’s leads divisional headquarters.
‘The combined effort of Inzpire’s synthetic joint air land experts, military personnel from the ABTC and technical staff from QinetiQ, Boeing and Plexsys demonstrated the flexibility of a mixed military and industry solution.’
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