Esterline avionics for RJAF PC-21s
Esterline CMC Electronics (CMC) has been awarded a contract from Pilatus Aircraft to supply its cockpit avionics for eight Pilatus PC-21 trainer aircraft for the Royal Jordanian Air Force, it announced on 11 July.
CMC will supply the dual Flight Management Systems (FMS), cockpit displays and GPS landing system sensors, along with the head-up display (HUD) sub-system.
The dual FMS of the PC-21 is a variant of the CMA-9000 new-generation FMS used in rotary and fixed wing aircraft. The CMA-9000 features advanced tactical functions, night vision goggle and radio management capabilities.
The six 6x8-inch active-matrix LCD displays have four CHDD-268 cockpit head-down displays and two MFD-2068 multi-function displays in the front and rear cockpit. These displays serve as the primary navigation and flight displays. The displays also have the open and modular MOSArt software suite for Pilatus and customers to integrate their own human machine interface definitions or applications on the CMC platform.
The CMA-5024 GPS landing system sensor provides localiser performance with vertical guidance GPS and required navigation performance area navigation approach capabilities. It also provides wide area augmentation system satellite based augmentation system GPS capability from departure to approach.
The HUD sub-system includes the CMC SparrowHawk HUD with a set of rear and front cockpit up front control panels and HUD camera, a video display unit and HUD symbol generator for the rear seat instructor. SparrowHawk is a compact HUD unit that displays raster video as well as stroke symbology.
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