Encrypted Air Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation contract boosts US Air Force readiness
The US Air Force (USAF) has awarded a production contract to Cubic Defense for its Encrypted Air Combat Manoeuvring Instrumentation (ACMI) system which allows different generation of aircraft to train together.
The USAF intends to use the system to synchronise training between 4th and 5th generation aircraft, allowing for the enhancement of the fleet’s overall capacity of combat-ready fighter planes.
The USAF and Cubic have history of applying technology to training to boost overall performance. In 2022, Cubic won a firm-fixed-price contract to deliver the P5 Combat Training System (P5CTS) SSU programme, and used Environmental Stress Screening (ESS) testing without white wires or any redesign to complete software and firmware integration within two months, as well as Factory System Integration and the Physical Configuration Audit in 19 months.
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The go-order from the US Air Force is the first ever production order Cubic has had for its System Security Upgrade (SSU) kits. The kits allow the USAF to encrypt sensitive manoeuvring data for a significant portion of its P5 pod fleet assets, meaning it will have a new certainty that its country-specific proprietary material will be protected throughout the ongoing training process.
Putting that in perspective, Paul K. Averna, VP and GM for advanced training solutions at Cubic Defense, said: “ACMI delivers ‘Truth in Training’, allowing aircrew to perform mission exercises from anywhere while generating ultra-precise information on their performance.”
According to the company, the solution opens up the training landscape for multiple generations of fighter plane, while maintaining data security through the encrypted ACMI system.
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