Elbit to provide tank sims and training centre for Israel
The Israeli MoD awarded Elbit Systems a $107 million contract on 3 January to provide, operate and maintain new main battle tank (MBT) simulation and training centres for the Israel Defence Forces’ (IDF's) Armoured Corps.
The new centre will train commanders and soldiers, regular and reserve units alike. The systems will support individual and collective training up to company level.
The centres will be delivered over a three-year period and the contract includes operation and maintenance services for an additional period of 15 years.
The training facilities will include high-fidelity platform trainer turrets and driver trainers with physical models. These devices will integrate the MBT’s operational subsystems and will simulate main and secondary armament weapons capabilities.
The simulations and the centres themselves will run on the IDF’s cloud using Elbit Systems’ cloud-native OneSim simulation software infrastructure.
Bezhalel Machlis, president and CEO of Elbit Systems, said in a 3 January statement: ‘We are proud to support the IDF's efforts to elevate its tank training to the next level. Armed forces around the world are redesigning their training capabilities seeking to increase readiness while improving efficiency at the same time.’
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