EDA launches new JDEAL training course
The European Defence Agency (EDA) has launched a new course to train military staff in the management of a new capability as part of its Joint Deployable Exploitation and Analysis Laboratory (JDEAL) project, the agency announced on 18 April.
JDEAL forms the EDA's main project in the fight against improvised explosive devices (IEDs). It focuses on training the full range of skills needed for technical exploitation, including the recording and analysing of information related to events, scenes, technical components, and material used in IED attacks.
The second joint deployable capability (JDC) for the project will be delivered to the permanent technical exploitation training facility based in Soesterberg, The Netherlands, by the end of May.
The course is being hosted by the Spanish company Indra Sistemas at its facilities in Madrid. Trainees from the 13 EDA Member States participating in JDEAL will be instructed to handle the specific electronic items and tools, and to acquire the required skills to manage and operate the complex deployable laboratory.
This scalable and rapidly deployable capability will enable the participating Member States to deploy the equipment that is required in a given situation, from a full laboratory deployment with all essential equipment to limited interventions with specific material only.
After a final review and acceptance process in Soesterberg, this second deployable capability will be considered to have reached Full Operational Capability.
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