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DSEI 2023: Boeing and Red 6 partnership first to achieve successful AR integration on aircraft

14th September 2023 - 10:00 GMT | by Norbert Neumann in London


Boeing is working on other in-house head-mounted display (HMD) training solutions for the T-7. (Photo: Boeing)

The partnership between Boeing and Red 6 has resulted in the successful flight testing of AR technology in a TA-4JA tactical aircraft, with plans to extend testing to the T-7 Red Hawk advanced trainer.

Boeing announced on 13 September that its collaboration with Red 6 to integrate the latter company's Advanced Tactical Augmented Reality System (ATARS) on an aircraft has been successful.

The partners successfully integrated and flew augmented reality (AR) in a TA-4JA tactical aircraft as a precursor to testing it in a T-7 Red Hawk advanced trainer.

ATARS was designed to allow trainee pilots to see, identify and engage virtual threats and cooperate with virtual wingmen while airborne.

The two companies announced an agreement last September that would see the incorporation of ATARS and an AR command and analytics data environment into

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Norbert Neumann


Norbert Neumann

Norbert is the Aviation, Military Training & Simulation reporter at Shephard Media. Before joining Shephard in …

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