Cubic tailors mortar simulator for the US Army
The company’s mortar trainer received improvements based on soldier’s feedback.
Aero Vodochody’s first pre-serial L-39NG jet trainer performed its maiden flight on 22 December in Czech Republic.
After taking off from the runway, the aircraft climbed up to 5,000ft and landed successfully at Aero Vodochody Airport after 26 minutes of flight.
During the flight the L-39NG performed as expected in terms of stability and controllability. Tests including configuration changes, acceleration up to 200 knots, turns to 30, 45, and 60 degrees and slow down to approach
speed where also carried out.
The L-39NG aircraft has flown in a configuration that is representative of serial aircraft including final upgraded wet wing and air inlets. The company aims to achieve type certification by the end of 2019.The L-39NG is a single-engine two-seater aircraft with staggered seating and an advanced cockpit design that includes full glass cockpit, an on board virtual training system and a helmet mounted display.
During 2018, Aero announced agreements with with the first customers. The first customer - the Republic of Senegal - was announced in April and was followed by SkyTech and RSW in July. Orders from these customers will secure the production of 38 aircraft.
L-39 Skyfox (1-4) [Czech Republic]
The company’s mortar trainer received improvements based on soldier’s feedback.
The company will operate in two new locations in the coming years to better support US services.
This type of tool provides more realistic training easing the incorporation of new scenarios that accurately represent the threats of the battlefield.
The Engineering Corps has been conducting individual instruction using FLAIM Systems’ Sweeper and should start collective deployments in 2025.
The next-generation platform is motion-compatible and can be used in OTW and NVG applications.
The system can be used to prepare soldiers for both drone offensive operations and CUAS missions.