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Cubic provides SPEAR debrief solution to Royal Australian Air Force

16th June 2023 - 14:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team in London


Cubic's SPEAR is being installed and implemented at RAAF Williamtown during the lead-up to Exercise Tasman Shield. (Photo: Australian MoD)

Cubic has been awarded a contract by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) for licences and hardware to operate the company's Simplified Planning, Execution, Analysis, Reconstruction (SPEAR) software suite.

SPEAR is the follow-on solution to Cubic’s Individual Combat Aircrew Display System (ICADS), a live monitor and debrief system.

President of Cubic Defense Paul Shew said SPEAR reduces the traditional debrief time by 90 minutes.

The contract award provides the RAAF with the software for exercise control, debriefing, installation and introduction into service support.

One of the ways SPEAR can enhance training effectiveness is by presenting a clear and comprehensive view of both physical and non-physical impacts. 

It achieves this by employing real-time analysis that anticipates and addresses potential issues, seamlessly integrating all relevant data.

The product was used during

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