CAE details Lockheed Martin contracts
CAE has received contracts worth over $77 (USD) million to provide a range of simulation products and training support services to military customers, it announced on 7 July.
The contracts include an order from Lockheed Martin to provide H135/H145 synthetic training equipment for the UK’s Military Flying Training System (UKMFTS) programme. CAE will supply one command and tactics trainer (CTT) and seven flight training devices (FTDs) for the Airbus Helicopters H135/H145 range.
All the equipment will be delivered to the British Royal Air Force (RAF) Base Shawbury in 2018 and will be used to support initio helicopter pilot training for the British Army, RAF and Royal Navy. Lockheed Martin and Babcock joint venture firm Ascent is the training service partner for delivering the UKMFTS programme in partnership with the UK MoD.
The FTDs will be equivalent to Level 4/5 flight simulation training devices (FSTDs) that can be networked for teaching multi-ship tactical formations. The CTTs will be a suite of four Level 1/2 FTDs that can be networked for teaching and practicing formation flying. Both will include the CAE Medallion-6000 image generator and databases built to the Common Database (CDB) standard, which enables distributed, interoperable mission training.
CAE also received a five-year contract from Lockheed Martin to continue providing in-service support for the Canadian Air Force's CC-130J aircraft maintenance technician training programme.
Under the CC-130J maintenance training programme, CAE provides virtual maintenance trainers, integrated cockpit systems training device, and maintenance and support services for the CC-130J fuselage training devices. CAE will also provide a range of training support services including obsolescence management, courseware updates, hardware and software engineering, upgrades and maintenance, training device spares, and schoolhouse support staff.
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