Nautilus to achieves JALO accreditation
Bohemia Interactive Simulations (BISim) has supported Nautilus International Risk Consultants in achieving Joint Air Land Organisation (JALO) accreditation using the Holovis International’s Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) 240° dome.
The UK Ministry of Defence’s JALO provides support for air/land integration and is responsible for assuring the UK’s forward air controller capability, including the setting of training standards. The Holovis JTAC 240° dome enables qualified JTACs to operate and train in a complex environments.
Using the Holovis 240° dome, Nautilus has been accredited for Type 1, 2 and 3 controls, night CAS, laser operations, low level, bomb on coordinate, fixed wing/rotary wing and video downlink - all in accordance with JTAC requirements.
Holovis International’s JTAC 240° dome incorporates a hard-shell, four-metre seamless dome with a three-channel visual display system.
Nautilus also provided Harris Communications 152 radios and downlink receivers including C2 situational awareness software, running on Android smart phones to allow for accurate target correlation. The system also incorporates BISim’s VBS3-based image generation product VBS IG and Symmetric Technologies' VBS Fires FST.
Within this fully accredited system, the JTAC is able to conduct six out of their 12 mandatory controls in the simulator. With the ever increasing requirement for a JTAC to train within a fire support team (FST), the size and clarity offered will allow a full FST to train together, simulating their battlefield roles to conduct complex joint fires missions in a safe and realistic manner.
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