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Avalon 2019: GaardTech a target rich company

26th February 2019 - 09:31 GMT | by Trevor Nash in Melbourne


Australian company GaardTech has had considerable success since its launch in September 2018 having won contracts for its target systems with the Australian Army and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF).

The company builds what it refers to as flatpack targets, either actual size 2D or 3D vehicles, that can be enhanced with active thermal cells, radar augmentation or RF signatures. Each 3D target takes four people around 45 minutes to build.

Targets can be deployed in static positions or can be mobile. Current targets include: T-80U; BMP; BMD; BTR 80 as well as a range of SAMs. GaardTech said

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Trevor Nash


Trevor Nash

After a career in the British Army, Trevor Nash worked in the simulation and training …

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