ADF training area expansion work begins
Construction on new additions to the Shoalwater Bay Training Area (SWBTA) in Central Queensland, Australia, have begun, along with the establishment of a new training area near Greenvale in North Queensland.
The Australia-Singapore Military Training Initiative (ASMTI) will see the delivery of enhanced military training areas in Central and North Queensland for the Australian Defence Force. Under the Initiative, Singapore will invest approximately $2 billion to acquire, design, develop and construct military training areas through expanding the existing SWBTA and establishing the new training area in North Queensland.
Eventually, up to 14,000 Singapore armed forces personnel will conduct training in Central and North Queensland over 18 weeks a year for 25 years.
Minister for Defence, Linda Reynolds, said: ‘The SWBTA is one of Australia’s most important defence training areas, and its expansion will not only deepen our defence relationship with Singapore but also support economic growth in the region.’
Additional work packages for fencing, potable water supply, waste consumption, fuel supply, consumables and quarry products will be awarded as part of an anticipated 200 sub-contract packages that will be available over the next five years in Central Queensland.
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