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SOFIC 2017: SOF prepares for DroneWERX

17th May 2017 - 15:23 GMT | by Scott Gourley in Tampa, Florida


US Special Operations Command hopes to expand on the success of its SOFWERX ecosystem in a collaborative effort focused on commercially available remote control technologies.

According to James Geurts, USSOCOM Acquisition Executive, the new effort reflects the command’s emphasis on ‘experimenting relentlessly and boldly’ in terms of new acquisitions and technology advances, ‘whether it’s General Webb [AFSOC Commander] going after lasers on gunships or looking at single man flying machines or whether it’s looking at swarm technology.’

 ‘I’m happy to announce that we are partnering now with the [Pentagon’s] Strategic Capabilities Office to build a “DroneWERX” equivalent to SOFWERX to

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Scott Gourley


Scott Gourley

Scott Gourley is a US-based writer on defence and security issues. A former US Army …

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