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SOFIC 2017: SOF Expands Science and Technology Directorate

15th May 2017 - 21:35 GMT | by Scott Gourley in Tampa, Florida


Reflective of a desire to ‘move at the speed of SOF,’ the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Acquisition, Technology & Logistics (SOF AT&L) community has expanded its Science and Technology Directorate.

The changes were outlined on Monday afternoon by Karl Rozelsky, Deputy Program Executive Officer for SOF Warrior. Speaking prior to the official opening of the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC), Rozelsky offered both first time and returning attendees a briefing designed to provide a foundation for the upcoming week. 

The Monday afternoon overview briefing was first presented at SOFIC 2016 and considered such a success that it was

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Scott Gourley


Scott Gourley

Scott Gourley is a US-based writer on defence and security issues. A former US Army …

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