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Report calls for "Whole of Government" approach

7th August 2018 - 13:00 GMT | by Andrew White in London


The US administration has been called upon to establish a National Political Warfare Center (NPWC) to provide a more optimized “Whole of Government” approach to counter unconventional threats, a Rand Corporation report has suggested.

According to the July 2018 report, entitled “An American Way of Political Warfare,” the proposed NPWC would be capable of fusing together the irregular warfare capabilities of the Department of Defense (DoD); expeditionary diplomacy skills of the Department of State (DoS) and other government agencies; as well as ‘comparable’ specialisms from across the intelligence community including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The consideration of the

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Andrew White


Andrew White

Andrew is a former editor of Digital Battlespace and Unmanned Vehicles magazines. Andrew joined Shephard …

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