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New night vision capabilities from Qioptiq

22nd August 2018 - 14:30 GMT | by Scott Gourley in Fort Bragg


Excelitas Technologies’ Qioptiq company is utilizing this week’s “Modern Warfighting Symposium,” co-sponsored by the Global SOF Foundation and US Army Special Operations Command and held at Ft Bragg, North Carolina, to highlight recent and pending additions to their impressive line of tactical night vision products and night vision product support.

According to Steve Rickard, business development director for land equipment at Qioptiq, special operations forces provide a logical user base for the company’s higher end products. The company has chosen to demonstrate those products not only in an exhibit booth at the show but also as part of a

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Scott Gourley


Scott Gourley

Scott Gourley is a US-based writer on defence and security issues. A former US Army …

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