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JSOU looks to yoga and meditation

12th February 2019 - 12:00 GMT | by Andrew White in London


Readiness and resilience of special operations forces could be extended through increased emphasis on yoga and meditation, a Joint Special Operations University (JSOU) report has claimed.

According to the “Warrior Pose: Building Readiness Through Resilience - Yoga and Meditation” report, published on 6th February by the Tampa-based University, yoga and meditation classes could be used to “create a more ready, resilient force capable of identifying and defeating the adversary; working with our partners; and protecting vital interests at home and abroad.”

The report discussed how breathing-based exercises including yoga, systematic relaxation, breathing and meditation could be easily translated into the

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Andrew White


Andrew White

Andrew is a former editor of Digital Battlespace and Unmanned Vehicles magazines. Andrew joined Shephard …

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