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USAF looks to new tandem jump technologies

11th March 2019 - 10:00 GMT | by Scott Gourley in California


The USAF Life Cycle Management Center, IS&R & Special Operations Forces Directorate, Special Warfare Branch, is looking for new tandem airdrop technologies and capabilities that could be applied to certain special operations missions

According to a sources sought announcement released on 6 March 2019, current market research is being directed toward identifying sources ‘capable of providing a pre-fabricated barrel solution for USAF Guardian Angel (GA) tandem parachute operations’.

As described in the announcement, the identified capability gap reflects the fact that current US Military Tandem Tethered Bundle parachute capability is built around Military Tandem Masters employing mission equipment in

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Scott Gourley


Scott Gourley

Scott Gourley is a US-based writer on defence and security issues. A former US Army …

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