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USN orders Trident guidance systems

1st March 2021 - 17:37 GMT | by Shephard News Team

Mk6 guidance systems will be installed on Trident II D5 missiles for the UK and US navies.

Charles Stark Draper Laboratory is to produce Mk6 guidance systems for Trident II D5 ballistic nuclear missiles carried by USN and UK RN submarines, under a $207.52 million contract from USN Strategic Systems Programs.

Work will be carried out at four US locations for completion by 30 July 2025, the DoD announced on 26 February.

Most of the contract funds come out of the USN FY2021 procurement budget, with $3.23 million from UK funds.

Trident II D5 nuclear missiles are designed to be launched from USN Ohio-class and future Columbia-class submarines, as well as from RN Vanguard-class boats (pictured).

The Mk6 guidance system comprises a flight control electronics assembly and inertial sensors with an associated measurement unit. The electronics assembly interfaces with the fire control system on the submarine. The inertial measurement unit provides navigation information to the mission computer.

Charles Stark Draper Laboratory is already working on a $133.47 million contract modification from the USN to research potential applications of guidance technologies for submarines. Work on this project is due to be completed in September 2021.

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