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USCG orders more response boats

14th June 2017 - 13:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


The US Coast Guard (USCG) has awarded a contract worth $6 million to Metal Shark Aluminum Boats for 15 Response Boats-Small II (RB-S IIs) and associated equipment.

This new order brings the total number of RB-S IIs ordered to 279. To date 250 RB-S IIs have been delivered. 

Powered by twin 225hp (168kW) outboard motors, the 29ft RB-S II can travel at a top speed of more than 40 knots.

The boats are designed for deployment close to shore for missions such as search and rescue, law enforcement, port security, environmental response and drug and migrant interdiction. The boat can carry up to 10 persons.

RB-S IIs are gradually replacing the 25ft Defender class RB-S as it reaches the end of its service life.

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