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US Navy wants 75 mission-capable ships on any given day

12th January 2023 - 20:00 GMT | by Harry Lye in London


The Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Ross (DDG-71) operating in the Baltic Sea. (Photo: USN)

Readiness is high on the USN’s agenda as the service looks to fulfil its operational requirements.

According to a new goal revealed at the Surface Navy Association's National Symposium, the USN wants to field 75 mission-capable ships ‘on any given day’.

Speaking at the event, Naval Surface Forces commander VAdm Roy Kitchener highlighted the importance of readiness and maintaining the surface fleet during a 10 January keynote.

Kitchener said: ‘This goal isn’t arbitrary or random. It was born from our investments in data analytics and an assessment of operational requirements,

‘This imperative for 75 mission-capable ships drives every programme and action we take, and across our force, the enterprise is aligned to reach this Northstar.’


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Harry Lye


Harry Lye

Harry Lye was Senior Naval Reporter at Shephard Media.

Harry joined the company in 2021, …

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