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US Navy pushes for reform in FY2022 budget

3rd June 2021 - 10:04 GMT | by Tim Fish in Auckland


The USN needs more Constellation-class frigates and is looking to increase production to 3-4 per year (USN)

The USN component of the FY2022 budget request is an attempt to balance the competing requirements of sustaining a credible force and developing capabilities for the future.

The USN is attempting to make progress on its planned restructure in its budget request for FY2022.

It wants to reshape the force to better face the threat from China and conduct operations in the Western Pacific. This means withdrawing older ships and aircraft from service to re-allocate the savings into new platforms and capabilities.

But the USN has to do this with a flat budget of $163.9 billion, which is just 0.6% higher than its FY2021 request. This means juggling its existing commitments and moving money around between programmes.

To make some savings, the USN is requesting the withdrawal

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Tim Fish


Tim Fish

Tim Fish is a special correspondent for Shephard Media. Formerly the editor of Land Warfare …

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