UK and US marines train to guard nuclear deterrent submarines
The Autumn round of Tartan Eagle training just concluded in Scotland.
Ultra will continue to provide the EO tracking system for the UK Royal Navy’s Type 45 destroyers, after the MoD approved a three-year contract with a potential two-year extension.
The EO tracking system is part of Babcock’s Gun System Automation (GSA) 9.
Mike Williams, Managing Director of Ultra CSS, said: ‘Ultra is pleased to be engaged with Babcock in supporting this important frontline system and looks forward to delivering high levels of availability and service throughout the contract.’
The system provides high-resolution video performance with automation options that require minimal operator intervention, which simplifies operation in ISR, detection, acquisition and tracking of enemy targets.
The Autumn round of Tartan Eagle training just concluded in Scotland.
The organisations have broadened the remit of an existing MoU to help boost underwater defence innovation.
As defence markets shift to meet new demands, the naval sector has found itself at the centre of a transformative wave, driven by geopolitical shifts, the need for rapid technological advancement, and a redefined approach to maritime power projection.
A Memorandum of Understanding signed during an event in Karachi between the Italian shipbuilder and the Pakistan Navy covered naval training, research and development, and project-based collaboration.
The threat from China has prompted Taiwan’s naval forces to shift from traditional naval structures to a more balanced strategy blending asymmetric defences with conventional platforms.
The US, the UK, France and Germany each have existing frigate programmes.