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UK Royal Navy’s Littoral Response Group South makes Asia-Pacific debut

16th August 2024 - 16:15 GMT | by Chen Chuanren in Singapore


RFA Argus entering Singapore. (Photo: Chen Chuanren)

The deployment will aim to strengthen the UK’s Indo-Pacific presence ahead of the potential 2025 arrival of a Carrier Strike Group.

The UK Royal Navy’s Littoral Response Group South (LRG (S)) debut deployment into the Asia-Pacific region is gradually setting up for the potential deployment of a Carrier Strike Group (CSG) in 2025. The possible development comes as the British Defence Singapore Support Unit (BDSSU) attempts to elevate its logistic spectrum to support more complex Royal Navy and allied vessels.

Stood up in 2023 to cover east of Suez operations, LRG (S) consisted of RFA Argus as a ‘makeshift’ Littoral Strike Ship (LSS) and RFA Lyme Bay LSS-Logistics. The pair entered the Indo-Pacific region around March this year and concluded Exercise

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Chen Chuanren


Chen Chuanren

Chen Chuanren is Shephard’s Singapore correspondent, covering primarily land and sea systems. He served in …

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