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TKMS enters Australian Tier 2 combatant market

9th November 2023 - 04:31 GMT | by Tim Fish in Sydney


When is a corvette not a corvette? Industry offerings for a 'Tier 2' combatant, which has generally been assumed to be a corvette-sized ship, have been breaking with tradition in offering much larger heavily armed ships. The MEKO A210 from TKMS would host an impressive array of multi-domain warfighting capabilities. (Photo: Tim Fish)

TKMS has joined the competition to meet the Australian Defence Strategic Review’s (DSR’s) desite to procure a new Tier 2 surface combatant for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN).

German shipbuilder ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) has joined the clamour created by the Australian Defence Strategic Review’s (DSR’s) desire to procure a new Tier 2 surface combatant for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) by demonstrating a new MEKO A210 corvette at the Indo-Pacific Maritime exhibition in Sydney.

TKMS entered the fray with its latest design, an evolution of the company’s existing MEKO 200, which has proven successful on the international market with four batches of ship delivered to seven different countries.

The A210 corvette will be 127.5m-long and 16.7m-wide displacing some 4,750 tons, which will be on the large size for a standard corvette, but has reflected a

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Tim Fish


Tim Fish

Tim Fish is a special correspondent for Shephard Media. Formerly the editor of Land Warfare …

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