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UDT 2019: Swedish navy re-equips to face future challenges

14th May 2019 - 18:00 GMT | by Beth Maundrill in Stockholm


In his keynote address on the opening day of UDT 2019 in Stockholm, the Chief of the Royal Swedish Navy, RAdm Jens Nykvist, focused on the unique maritime position the country holds in the Baltic Sea as well as challenges, namely from a resurgent Russia, that the Scandinavian nation must contend with both now and in the near future.

As noted by Nykvist, Sweden can be ‘considered an island’ as the country has 2,400km of coastline with 90% of national trade being delivered by sea. ‘The main task of the Swedish Navy is to protect our territorial waters. To do

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Beth Maundrill


Beth Maundrill

Beth is Deputy Editor - Land at Shephard Media, managing coverage across all formats of …

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