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SEA teams up with Terma for international countermeasures sales

7th November 2024 - 12:35 GMT | by Tony Fyler


Illustrative image of how C-Guard Mk II with Ancilia works. (Image: SEA)

International teaming has bought trainable anti-electronic warfare technology to a global market.

In March 2024, SEA signed a £170 million (US$218 million) deal with the UK’s Ministry of Defence for the use of its Ancilia electronic warfare countermeasures solution on modern Type 26 and Type 31 frigates, and on the UK’s Type 45 destroyers. 

The company used its presence at Euronaval in Paris this week to announce it would now sell Ancilia internationally, following a strategic teaming agreement with Terma, a company with a similar place in the broader international market.

Terma already had a countermeasures product in the international market that was well-known – C-Guard. That will now be augmented with Ancilia and

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Tony Fyler


Tony Fyler

Tony Fyler is the Naval Reporter at Shephard

He has experience in business and …

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