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Factory acceptance for SEA systems

23rd March 2017 - 09:30 GMT | by Shephard News Team


SEA's torpedo launcher system (TLS) and weapons handling system have achieved factory acceptance for a class of combat ships being built for a naval force in South East Asia, the company announced on 21 March.

The TLS achieved acceptance at SEA's factory in Devon in the UK. The company then worked with Kuala Lumpur-based project engineering managers Budi Axis to achieve acceptance of the first weapons handling system in country.

Six sets of handling systems will be manufactured in Malaysia jointly by SEA and Budi Axis, while production of the system electronics will also be progressively manufactured in Malaysia over the six ship sets.

The torpedo launchers - compatible with all lightweight NATO standard-sized torpedoes - will comprise a pair of triple configuration, composite tubes mounted just aft of midships on the 111m ships. The electronics suite provides calculation of a fire control solution predicting target position from the sonar and ship's data.

The weapons handling system in the ship's magazine facilitates the storage of lightweight torpedoes, depth charges and air launched missiles in shock mounted racking and transports them via trolleys to on-deck launchers or the helicopter hangar.

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