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Saab to build Singapore’s MRCV composite superstructure as it seeks portfolio expansion

5th September 2024 - 16:41 GMT | by Chen Chuanren in Singapore


A rendering of the Republic of Singapore Navy’s Multi Role Combat Vessel. (Photo: Saab)

Saab, who has been looking to expand its presence in Singapore, will build the forward superstructure and the radar mast of the Multi Role Combat Vessel with carbon composite material.

Saab has been contracted by the Singapore Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) to construct six carbon composite forward superstructures for the Republic of Singapore Navy’s (RSN’s) Multi Role Combat Vessel (MRCV). The development comes at a time when Saab has been hoping to expand its collaboration with the Singapore Armed Forces, especially within the area of land systems.

Only the forward superstructure and the radar mast will be made with the composite material, and the rest of the ship will maintain the conventional steel material.

Chew Chun Chau, Singapore country head for Saab, told Shephard that as the

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Chen Chuanren


Chen Chuanren

Chen Chuanren is Shephard’s Singapore correspondent, covering primarily land and sea systems. He served in …

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