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Russia to carry out second test-firing of hypersonic missile

6th April 2020 - 15:00 GMT | by Shephard News Team


Russia is planning to carry out the second test-firing of its Tsirkon hypersonic missile in April or May 2020 according to Defence Ministry sources.

The Russian Navy Project 22350 frigate Admiral Gorshkov (pictured) will undergo maintenance work at Belomorsk naval base and will also be installed with a Tsirkon ZS-14 universal shipborne launcher reports Tass.

Tactical Missiles Corporation and the Northern Fleet press office have not confirmed the schedule for the next stage of Tsirkon testing.

The Admiral Gorshkov carried out the first test in January 2020 when a Tsirkon was launched from the Barents Sea against a ground-based target some 500km away.

Deputy Minister of Defence Alexi Krivoruchko suggested in November 2019 that the Navy intends to deploy the hypersonic missile to the Marshal Shaposhnikov frigate and Project 94A Irkutsk submarine once final development is completed.

Admiral Gorshkov (Project 22350)

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