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Royal Navy looks to OPV dry dock activities in Asia-Pacific

15th August 2024 - 15:59 GMT | by Chen Chuanren in Singapore


HMS Spey in Sembawang, Singapore. (Photo: Chen Chuanren)

The UK Royal Navy is expanding its Indo-Pacific logistics network, with HMS Spey and HMS Tamar set to undergo dry dock servicing in the region, while the force continues its long-term deployment for operations and defence engagement in the region.

The UK Royal Navy is planning to conduct dry dock servicing for its Batch 2 River-class HMS Spey and HMS Tamar in the Asia-Pacific region marking a first for the service. The development has come at a time when the Royal Navy is seeking to maintain a persistent presence while expanding its logistics footprint and network in the region.

The two Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPVs) were deployed to Indo-Pacific in September 2021. Commanding officer of HMS Spey, Commander Paul Caddy, told Shephard that the vessel was now looking to conduct its five-year dry dock servicing in the region and

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Chen Chuanren


Chen Chuanren

Chen Chuanren is Shephard’s Singapore correspondent, covering primarily land and sea systems. He served in …

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