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Regent’s Viceroy seaglider prepares for trials

9th August 2024 - 16:31 GMT | by Wilder Alejandro Sanchez in Washington, DC


The all-electric Viceroy seaglider wing-in-ground-effect vehicle has been designed for defence and civilian use. (Image: Regent)

A US-based company has been preparing to test its full-scale prototype by late 2024 with potential for defence applications including intelligence, surveillance and rapid deployment in contested environments.

Regent, a US-based manufacturer of electric-powered wing-in-ground-effect vehicles, has said it expected the full-scale prototype of the all-electric Viceroy seaglider to begin testing in late 2024 and continue trials throughout the following spring.

Speaking with Shephard at the Emerging Technologies for Defense exhibition in Washington, DC, Tom Huntley, vice-president for government relations and defence at Regent, highlighted the Viceroy’s potential defence applications.

The company announced a US$4.8 million contract with the US Marine Corps Warfighting Lab (MCWL) in October 2023 to demonstrate seaglider technology for defence logistics operations.

Huntley told Shephard that Viceroy could be utilised for intelligence, surveillance and

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Wilder Alejandro Sanchez


Wilder Alejandro Sanchez

Wilder Alejandro Sánchez is an analyst who covers defense & security, geopolitical, and trade issues …

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