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Proposed USN budget outlines unmanned investment

11th February 2020 - 12:00 GMT | by Richard Thomas in London


Amid efforts to rein in spending in an economy feeling the figurative and literal weight of more than $20 trillion of debt, the FY2021 budget presented by US President Donald Trump called for efforts to ‘streamline bureaucracy’ and invoked the well-worn triad of military buzzwords – modernisation, lethality and innovation – to improve its 'bang-to-buck' ratio.

Nevertheless, the US defence budget proposal reflects the country’s position as one of only two superpowers in the world, with $705.4 billion requested for the DoD. It also proposed an increase to defence spending by ‘about two percent’ each year through to 2025. 


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Richard Thomas


Richard Thomas

Richard Thomas is the Senior Editor, Naval at Shephard Media. Richard joined the company in …

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